289 Danforth Street Coopersville, Michigan 49404 Ottawa County United States of America |
Phone: 616-846-8262 Fax: 616-997-6679 Hours: Wednesdays 1:00PM - 4:30PM E-mail: Carla Hill, Assessing Division Manager |
Assessing services are provided through a contractual agreement with Ottawa County. Ottawa County Equalization Director Brian Busscher serves as the City Assessor. Assessing Division Manager Carla Hill is the primary point of contact and is available at City Hall on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm to 4:30pm, or by appointment.
The Ottawa County Assessing Division can be reached at 616-846-8262 during customary business hours or via email to[email protected].
The Ottawa County Assessing Division can be reached at 616-846-8262 during customary business hours or via email to[email protected].
What does the Assessor do?
The Assessor prepares and makes all regular and special assessment rolls for the City. The Assessor is the governmental official charged with annually discovering, listing, and valuing all taxable property in the City of Coopersville. The Assessor's authority is derived from the Michigan constitution, state statutes and the Coopersville City Charter. The primary responsibility is to find the fair market value of property, so that in proportion to this value taxpayers may contribute a fair share of support for
the community services received.
What is Assessed Value?
State law requires that property be uniformly assessed and not exceed 50% of the usual selling price which is often referred to as the True Cash Value. Each year, the local assessor determines the Assessed Value (AV) of each parcel of real property based on the condition of the property on December 31 (Tax Day) of the previous year.
If Property Values are increasing in your neighborhood, your Assessed Value will likely increase, and if they are decreasing your Assessed Values will likely decrease.
What is State Equalized Value?
The State Equalized Value or SEV is the Assessed Value after adjustment following the County and State Equalization process. Often the Assessed Value and State Equalized Value are the same.
The County Board of Commissioners and the State Tax Commission must review local assessments and adjust or “Equalize” them by class (Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial….) if the class is above or below the constitutional 50% level of assessment.
the community services received.
What is Assessed Value?
State law requires that property be uniformly assessed and not exceed 50% of the usual selling price which is often referred to as the True Cash Value. Each year, the local assessor determines the Assessed Value (AV) of each parcel of real property based on the condition of the property on December 31 (Tax Day) of the previous year.
If Property Values are increasing in your neighborhood, your Assessed Value will likely increase, and if they are decreasing your Assessed Values will likely decrease.
What is State Equalized Value?
The State Equalized Value or SEV is the Assessed Value after adjustment following the County and State Equalization process. Often the Assessed Value and State Equalized Value are the same.
The County Board of Commissioners and the State Tax Commission must review local assessments and adjust or “Equalize” them by class (Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial….) if the class is above or below the constitutional 50% level of assessment.
Assessing and Special Assessment
The City of Coopersville's Assessing and Special Assessment information is hosted by BS&A Software on a secure web server.
To access our information, click here. If necessary, BS&A Software can be contacted using the following information:
BS&A Software
14965 Abbey Lane
Bath, MI 48808
Fax: 517-641-8960
The City of Coopersville's Assessing and Special Assessment information is hosted by BS&A Software on a secure web server.
To access our information, click here. If necessary, BS&A Software can be contacted using the following information:
BS&A Software
14965 Abbey Lane
Bath, MI 48808
Fax: 517-641-8960
What is Capped Value?
Capped Value” is the product of a formula. Using several numbers: last year’s taxable value, additions, losses and the CPI.
Capped Value= (Prior Years Taxable Value - Losses) x (1+CPI) + Additions
CPI=The Consumers Price Index or 5%, whichever is less.
(CPI is calculated in October of each year for use the following year)
An example of Additions would be some type of new construction
An example of Losses would be if a garage was removed or torn down
Capped Value= (Prior Years Taxable Value - Losses) x (1+CPI) + Additions
CPI=The Consumers Price Index or 5%, whichever is less.
(CPI is calculated in October of each year for use the following year)
An example of Additions would be some type of new construction
An example of Losses would be if a garage was removed or torn down
What is Taxable Value?
Taxable Value is the lesser of the State Equalized Value (SEV) or the Capped Value (CV) unless the property experienced a Transfer of Ownership in the prior year. The Capped Value limit on Taxable Value does not apply if you purchased your property during the previous year.
What happens when you Purchase a Home?
When a property (or interest in a property) is transferred, your Taxable Value the following year will be the same as the SEV. The Taxable Value will then be “Capped” again in the second year following the transfer of ownership.
What is a “PRE”?
A “PRE” is a Principal Residence Exemption which relieves those who qualify from paying 18 Mills of School Tax. This exemption is for those who own and occupy their homes as their principal residence. You must own and occupy your home before May 1 to receive the exemption for that year. From then on you receive the exemption until you sell or move to a different home. There are forms that need to be filed to receive and remove this exemption.
So, what are Property Taxes Based On?
Property Taxes are based on Taxable Value. Property Taxes are calculated by first taking the millage rate of the property and dividing it by 1000. Then this number is multiplied by the current year taxable value.
Since 1994, while property values were increasing rapidly the capped value provided for a slow and steady increase in the Taxable value. Prior to this the taxes were based on the SEV.
Since 1994, while property values were increasing rapidly the capped value provided for a slow and steady increase in the Taxable value. Prior to this the taxes were based on the SEV.
Land Valuation & Economic Condition Factors
The valuation of land and calculation of economic condition factors are performed annually by the assessor’s office. These rates and factors are integral to quality assessments and are used to adjust assessments to the local market. View 2024 Land Valuation & Economic Condition Factors.
Notice of Assessment
Each year, usually near the end of February but before the meetings of the local Boards of Review, informational notices are mailed out (these say across the top “This is not a Tax Bill.”) This notice will contain the current year’s Assessed Value, Taxable Value, and Property Class. It will also include the percent exemption of either a Principal Residence, or Qualified Agricultural Property, and if there was or was not a transfer of ownership. Also listed on the form is the dates and times of the March or December Board of Review. If you disagree with the information on this form, please contact the assessor or follow the instructions on the form to appeal to the Board of Review.
Why is my Taxable Value increasing when the value of my property is going down?
As explained earlier, because of the uncapping, the Taxable Value and the SEV would be the same for the new tax year when you purchased a property. From this point on, the Taxable Value was limited to the increase in the CPI or 5%, whichever was lower. The SEV, however, would have moved with the market value. For example, from 2003 to 2006, the SEV increased at a much higher rate than the Taxable Value. In 2006 and 2007, as the market value and SEV started to decline, the Taxable Value was still able to increase without being higher than the SEV. In 2008 and 2009, the Taxable Value was capped by the SEV, both the SEV and the Taxable Values were reduced.
Assessing Forms