City Services
Service is our business! Please feel free to contact the City Manager's office at (616) 997-9731 with any questions, comments, or concerns you have regarding city services. We believe that it takes the insights and efforts of every citizen to keep our momentum going as we live, work and shop together in our special place.
Abandoned Vehicles
Coopersville Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
If you believe that a vehicle is abandoned on public or private property controlled by you, you can call the Zoning Department and a deputy will be sent to investigate.
Absentee Ballots
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: Elections & Voting Information
Residents of the City of Coopersville who wish to vote by absentee should contact the Coopersville City Clerk's Office.
Accident Reports
Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office
Phone: 616-738-4024
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff Office
To report a personal injury accident on public or private property call 911. To report a property damage accident on public or private property open to the general public, i.e., a store parking lot, call the Coopersville Branch Office 616-997-8178. Copies of accident reports are available here or through the Ottawa County Sheriff Office.
Animal Bites
Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office
Phone: 800-249-0911
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff Office
If a dog bites you call 1-800-249-0911 to file a police report. The owner of the animal will be required to quarantine the dog for 10 days, be checked to ensure the rabies certificate is current and a report will be forwarded to the Ottawa County Animal Control Department. All dogs are required to have a county dog license.
Animal Licenses (See Dog Licenses)
Barking Dogs
Ottawa County Sheriff Office
Phone: 1-800-249-0911
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff Office
It is against city ordinance for dogs to bark continuously. Please call the Ottawa County Sheriff Office at 1-800-249-0911 to report a violation. Repeated calls to the same address may result in a misdemeanor citation.
Bicycle Registrations
Bicycle registrations can be done at
Board of Appeals (Construction)
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Construction Board of Appeals consists of members with expertise in a building trade or profession. The appeals process is for questions of interpretation, proper application and equivalency only. If the board has cause to avoid the strict application of a particular section of the codes, they may grant a waiver of specific code requirements.
Board of Appeals (Zoning)
Planning and Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Zoning Board of Appeals ensures that community development and growth complies with the rules set forth in the City of Coopersville Zoning Ordinance . The board meets on an as needed basis at City Hall in the City Council Chamber. For more information contact the Zoning Director. Agendas and minutes can be obtained here.
Brush and Limbs
Republic Services
Phone: 1-800-882-9565
Web Address: Republic Services
Republic Services provides a comprehensive curbside yard waste program for the residents of the City beginning the first week in April and continuing through the end of November each year. Bags for recycling yard waste are available at a variety of local merchants. Customers may use their own containers clearly marked "Yard Waste".
Yard waste is defined as leaves, grass clippings, vegetable or other garden debris, shrubbery, brush or tree trimmings less than four feet in length and two inches in diameter, or wood chips that can be converted to compost humus. Yard clippings do not include stumps, agriculture wastes, animal waste, roots, sewage sludge, or garbage.
Building Permits
Building Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Building Department
Building permits must be obtained from the Building Department before beginning any construction, remodeling, mechanical, electrical, or plumbing work. Purely cosmetic (non-structural) changes such as painting are exempt. A permit is also required for sign and demolitions. For more information or permit forms, contact the Building Department.
Burn Permits
Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department
Phone: 616-997-5847
Web site: Fire Department
The Fire Department is responsible for the issuance of Burn Permits in accordance with Chapter 1615 of the Codified Ordinances and applicant agrees to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, which includes, but is not limited to the following terms and conditions:
Open burning of leaves and grass clippings is PROHIBITED.
Open burning of trees, logs, brush and stumps is permitted.
Flames shall not exceed 6 feet in height.
Fire must be located at least 20 feet from the nearest building which is NOT on the same property.
Fire must be located in the rear yard of the property, if applicable.
Fire must be constantly attended and supervised by a competent person of at least 18 years of age. Any person utilizing or maintaining an outdoor fire shall be responsible for all fire suppression costs and any other liability resulting from damage caused by the fire.
Business License
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: Business Licenses
You need a Business License if you have a physical presence in the City of Coopersville whether it is a commercial location or a business operated out of your home (see Home Business)
Cable Television Services
AcenTek (formerly Ace Communications)
Phone: 616-895-9911 or (800) 356-5261
Web Address: AcenTek
Charter Communications
315 Davis
Grand Haven, MI 49417
Phone: 1-800-545-0994
Web Address: Charter Communications
City of Coopersville residents who wish to request cable television service, should contact either Ace Communications or Charter Communications.
City Hall
289 Danforth Street
Coopersville , MI 49404
Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday - Closed
Phone: 616-997-9731
City Hall contains the City Council Chambers, the offices of the City Manager, Assessor, Building Department, Planning and Zoning Department, City Clerk, City Treasurer, Water Billing Department and Recreation Department. There are separate entrances for the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office-Coopersville Branch and the Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department.
City Closings
All city departments and services, except the Police and Fire Departments, are closed to recognize the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve.
City Council
City Manager's Office
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Coopersville City Council is composed of the mayor and six city council members. Elections for Council are held every two years, on the odd year, on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November. The terms are staggered such that three Council Members are eligible for election every two years.
As part of its legislative function, the City Council adopts city ordinances; passes city resolutions related to city policy; it approves the city budget based on income generated by Property Taxes and other income sources. Besides appointing the City Manager, the City Council appoints the City Clerk, and City Treasurer.
The Mayor chairs City Council meetings, and has a vote on the Council. The Mayor Pro Tem, chairs Council meetings when the Mayor is absent.
While a member of City Council, the Mayor has additional special functions. For example, the Mayor is the official head of the city, representing it in various government functions, both locally and regionally. The Mayor appoints members to many of the Boards and Commissions, subject to Council ratification.
Code Enforcement
Zoning Director
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
The Zoning Director is responsible for the following programs: property maintenance, code enforcement, and grass/weed enforcement. For more information, please contact the Zoning Director.
To report code enforcement violations on any property in the City of Coopersville , contact the Zoning Director. When filing your complaint, be sure to have the exact street address of the property and type of violation (unkept yard, non-licensed vehicle, etc.)
Concerns or Questions
City Manager's Office
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: City Manager's Office
If you have concerns or questions regarding City Services, contact the City Manager's Office.
Construction Board of Appeals
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Construction Board of Appeals consists of members with expertise in a building trade or profession. The appeals process is for questions of interpretation, proper application and equivalency only. If the board has cause to avoid the strict application of a particular section of the codes, they may grant a waiver of specific code requirements.
Web Address: Demographics
Coopersville Livability
Population: 4,828
Households: 1,604
Housing Units: 1,742
Median Household Income: $47,098
These figures are from the 2020 U.S. Census. To see the complete demographics for the City of Coopersville and it's Primary Trade Area, click here.
Miss Dig
Phone: 1-800-482-7171 or 811
Do not dig before underground utilities are located. Call to have utility lines located before planning to dig.
Dog Licenses
Ottawa County Treasurer's Office
Phone: 616-994-4501
Web Address: County Treasurer's Office
You can renew online at Ottawa County Treasurer 's Offices.
Downtown Development Authority
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Coopersville's Downtown Development Authority
The Downtown Development Authority shall correct and prevent the deterioration in the business districts, the encouragement of historic preservation, the creation and implementation of development plans in the district, and the promotion of economic growth in the DDA. Click here to answer the question, what is the Downtown Development Authority?
Electrical Inspections
Professional Code Inspections
Phone: 616-667-8803
Web Address: Professional Code Inspections
Electric Utilities
Consumers Energy
Phone: 1-800-477-5050
Web Address: Consumers Energy
Consumer’s Energy provides Coopersville City residents and businesses with electric services.
Election Inspectors
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: Election Inspectors
The City of Coopersville is accepting applications for Election Inspectors. Serving as an election inspector at the polling site is a great way to participate in the democratic process. On Election Day, we count on civic-minded individuals to report to work at the designated time, prepare the polling place for voting, set up the voting equipment, process the voters, demonstrate voting procedures to the voters, and close the polling place at 8:00 P.M.
You must be:
Inspectors are paid for their time spent in training and working. You will be trained in election law and procedures and are required to work on election days at the Coopersville City Hall/Fire Station where elections are conducted. Election Inspectors must declare their party as a balance of party members must be maintained during elections.
Click here for an application. Completed applications should be mailed to the Clerk's Office, City of Coopersville 289 Danforth Street, Coopersville MI 49404 or they can be faxed to 616-997-6679. You will be contacted when your application is approved and training classes are available.
Fence Construction
Building Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Building Department
In order to erect, install, locate or maintain a fence within the City of Coopersville, a permit must been obtained. Fence Permits may be obtained here or at Coopersville City Hall , 289 Danforth Street .
Fire Department
Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department
Phone: 616-997-5847
Web site: Fire Department
The Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department responds to all calls within the City of Coopersville and Polkton Township . All types of fires occur in our area. We respond to house fires, commercial building fires, car fires, grass and brush fires, and garage fires. In short, any type of fire that is burning in the area is our responsibility to put out as quickly and safely as our resources permit.
Garbage Collection (See Rubbish Collection)
Gas Utility
Michigan Gas Utilities
Phone: 1-800-401-6402
Web Address: Michigan Gas Utilities
Michigan Gas Utilities provides Coopersville residents and businesses with gas service.
Graffiti Vandalism
Ottawa County Sheriff's Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Graffiti vandalism should be reported to the Coopersville Branch at 616-997-8178.
Grass and Weed Enforcement
Zoning Director
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
To report violations on any property in the City of Coopersville , call the Zoning Director. Please be ready to present the street address and location on the property of the offending vegetation.
Health Department
Ottawa County Health Department
Phone: 616-846-8360
Web Address: Ottawa County Health Department
The Ottawa County Health Department is committed to providing environmental protection, health promotion, disease prevention, and assuring quality health services to Ottawa County residents.
Historical Museum
Coopersville Area Historical Society & Museum
Jim & Lil Budzyinski, Curators
363 Main Street
Coopersville, MI 49404
Phone: 616-837-7240 or 616-837-6978
Email: Historical Society
For information on exhibits, artifact and archival collections, research library and other facilities, contact the Coopersville Area Historical Society.
Home Business
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: Business Licenses
Certain home businesses are permitted by the City of Coopersville Zoning Ordinance. However, there are restrictions that apply. For more information, contact the City Clerk’s Office.
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
Ottawa County Resource Recovery Service Center
Phone: 616-393-5645
Web Address: Resource Recovery Service Center
Realizing the need for better management of household hazardous waste within Ottawa County, the Ottawa County Environmental Health Division has opened four Resource Recovery Service Centers throughout the County. Visit the website to view a list of materials accepted. This is a free service for all of Ottawa County residents. The recycling services requires an annual membership.
Ottawa County Sheriff's Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Hunting is hereby allowed within the City limits during the regular hunting season established by, and in compliance with, all rules and regulations established by the State of Michigan, and is not done within 500 feet of any building, structure or roadway.
Hunting is allowed using bow and arrow or crossbow.
Hydrant Flow Testing
Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department
Phone: 616-997-5847
The Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department is on a bi-annual fire hydrant flow testing program. Every other year we check the pressure and flow, in gallons per minute, of all city fire hydrants.
Lawn Care (See Grass and Weed Enforcement)
Leaf Collection
Republic Services
Phone: 1-800-882-9565
Web Address: Republic Services
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. provides a comprehensive curbside yard waste program for the residents of the City beginning the first week in April and continuing through the end of November each year. Bags for recycling yard waste are available at a variety of local merchants. Customers may use containers clearly marked "Yard Waste".
Yard waste is defined as leaves, grass clippings, vegetable or other garden debris, shrubbery, brush or tree trimmings less than four feet in length and two inches in diameter, or wood chips that can be converted to compost humus. Yard clippings do not include stumps, agriculture wastes, animal waste, roots, sewage sludge, or garbage.
Leash Law
Ottawa County Sheriff Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff
No dog is allowed to run at large. Dogs must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet. The dog owner must also clean up animal excrement.
Coopersville Area District Library
333 Ottawa Street
Coopersville , MI 49404
Phone: 616-837-6809
Web Address: Coopersville Area District Library
The Mission of the Coopersville Area District Library is:
To Inspire reading for a life time of learning. To stimulate interest for all ages of varied viewpoints and of broad understanding. To provide informational resources for the intellectual enrichment and entertainment of all patrons. To lead in quality library services for the diverse needs of our community.
Maps of City (Street map with address numbers)
City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-9731
Additional maps of the City of Coopersville are available in the Clerk's Office.
Marriage Licenses
Ottawa County Clerk's Office
414 Washington Avenue , Room 301
Grand Haven , MI 49417
Phone: 616-846-8310
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Web Address: Ottawa County
The Ottawa County Clerk's Office issues marriage licenses. Click here for more information about the requirements for a Marriage License.
Marriage License Copies
Ottawa County Clerk's Office
414 Washington Avenue , Room 301
Grand Haven , MI 49417
Phone: 616-846-8310
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Web Address: Ottawa County
Certified copies are available at $15.00 for the first copy plus $6.00 for each additional copy.
Mechanical Inspections
Professional Code Inspections
Phone: 616-667-8803
Web Address: Professional Code Inspections
Ottawa County Sheriff's Office
Phone: 1-800-249-0911
City ordinance states that there will be no unnecessary loud or unusual noise which annoys, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of the public, nor shall any person play or operate any musical instrument, phonograph or radio in such a manner as to cause loud or unusual sound or noise between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Call to report a violation.
Ottawa County Sheriff's Office
Phone: 1-800-249-0911
Vehicles may not be parked on any city street between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. from November through March. Violating vehicles may be impounded and their owners charged for all costs and penalties.
Parks and Recreation
Parks Department
Phone: 616-997-2123
Web Address: Recreation Department
The City of Coopersville has four parks, Grove Street Park, Main Street Park, the City Sports Complex and Veteran's Park.
In 1995, the City of Coopersville envisioned a variety of programs for youth and adults residing in the Coopersville Area Public School district. The yearly addition of programs has helped the Coopersville Recreation Department reach that goal to meet future recreational and leisure needs.
The programs currently offered include archery, basketball for both adults and youth, bantam league and pony league baseball, football for adults and youth, soccer, softball for both adults and youth, Tae Kwon Do, competitive and recreational volleyball for adults and youth.
Park Reservations
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-9731
Veteran's Memorial Park Pavilion, DDA Pavilion & Pocket Park Pavilion - There is a $50.00 refundable deposit required to reserve the parks. (Note: Non-city residents refund will be only $25.00.) You can obtain a Park Reservation Application here or at Coopersville City Hall or on-line under 'Forms'.
Payments: Automatic Payment (ACH) Enrollment Information or One time On-line Property Tax or Utility Payment
Automatic Payments of Utility Bills
Stop writing checks! Avoid late fees! No more remembering to stop at City Hall to pay your utility bill! (Not that we don’t like to see you!)
Having your utility bill automatically deducted from your checking or savings account on the due date is the easiest way to pay your bill. When you receive your water bill, it will show the amount due and remind you not to pay it; but it will be deducted from your bank account.
Just complete the ‘Automatic Payment (ACH)’ enrollment form. Drop it off at the Administrative Offices, fax it to 616-997-6679 or mail it to the Water Department, 289 Danforth Street, Coopersville, MI 49404.
Is it safe and secure?
Yes, both the City of Coopersville and our financial institution are required to keep your banking information confidential.
Will I still receive a bill?
Yes, you will simply no longer need to write a check to make your payment. The payment will be automatically deducted on the due date as indicated on your bill.
What if I don't agree with the amount charged?
Contact Customer Service at 997-2114 as you normally would with a billing question. You will need to contact us within 10 days of the billing date to allow time to resolve concerns before the payment due date.
Once I send in this form will my next bill be paid automatically?
NOT NECESSARILY. You will need to allow 30 days for your enrollment to be processed. Continue to pay as you normally would until your bill shows that you have been signed up for automatic payment.
What if I change banks or accounts?
You will need to submit a new enrollment form. Contact Water Customer Service at 997-2114 and we will send one to you. Or print the enrollment form (PDF) from our website.
What if my payment is returned by the bank?
Payments may be returned by a financial institution for insufficient funds, closed accounts or other reasons. If your payment is returned for any reason you will be charged a processing fee. The City reserves the right to discontinue your participation in the program if your payment is rejected more than once in a six month period. Your financial institution may also charge fees for rejected payments.
On-line Payment for Tax or Utility Bill by Credit Card or E-Check
As part of our commitment to provide the citizens of Coopersville with efficient and convenient services, we are pleased to announce that the City of Coopersville has partnered with G2G Cloud Solutions to offer you the option of electronic payments.
Paying taxes and utilities electronically allows consumers to take advantage of card rewards, payment flexibility, convenience, and safety. This service is safe and reliable and in accordance with state and government regulations.
You can use your credit card or electronic check (e-check) to pay property taxes and utility bills over the internet at
After authorization of your payment, you will be given a confirmation number that you should keep for your records. A nominal convenience fee is charged by G2G Cloud Solutions based on the transaction amount. The consumer is notified of this fee before their payment is made. The convenience fee is NOT revenue for the City of Coopersville, but a service fee charged by G2G Cloud Solutions.
Peddler's Permit
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: City Clerk's Office
Any business, person or for-profit organization soliciting homes in the City of Coopersville must obtain a door-to-door Peddler's license from the City Clerk's Office. For more information, fees, rules and regulations, contact the office or click here.
Permits for Construction
Professional Code Inspections
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Professional Code Inspections
Building permits must be obtained from Professional Code Inspections before beginning any construction, remodeling, mechanical, electrical, or plumbing work. Purely cosmetic (non-structural) changes such as painting are exempt. A permit is also required for signs and demolitions. For more information or permit forms, contact the Building Department.
Planning Commission
Planning and Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Planning and Zoning department specializes in carrying out the City's Codified Ordinances and formulating methods to implement the ideas set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Director works with the Planning Commission to review site plans, ordinances, and conduct visioning sessions. Examples of these efforts are ultimately visible in the community in the form of regulated sign heights, higher quality architecture in commercial buildings, abundant landscaping, along with safe passage routes for pedestrians and vehicles alike. The Planning Commission meets on the third Monday of the month, 7:00 P.M. at City Hall.
Planning Ordinances
Planning and Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Planning Department
The Planning and Zoning Ordinances are now on-line. They are available in Acrobat Reader (992KB) format.
Plumbing Inspections
Professional Code Inspections
Phone: 616-667-8803
Web Address: Professional Code Inspections
Police Protection (See Sheriff's Department)
Pool Construction
Building Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Building Department
Before beginning pool construction, businesses and residents must obtain a permit and comply with city ordinances regulating pools. For more information or to obtain a permit, contact the Building Department.
Population (See Demographics)
Post Office
Coopersville Branch
314 Center Street
Coopersville , MI 49404
Web Address: United State Post Office
A full service Post Office is available for the convenience of Coopersville residents and businesses.
Department of Public Works
Phone: 616-997-8502
Web Address: Department of Public Works
The Coopersville Department of Public Works repairs all potholes on city streets. To report a pothole, contact the Department of Public Works.
Recreation Department
Phone: 616-997-2123
Web Address: Recreation Department
In 1995, the City of Coopersville envisioned a variety of programs for youth and adults residing in the Coopersville Area Public School district. The yearly addition of programs has helped the Coopersville Recreation Department reach that goal to meet future recreational and leisure needs.
The programs currently offered include archery, basketball for both adults and youth, bantam league and pony league baseball, football for adults and youth, soccer, softball for both adults and youth, Tae Kwon Do, competitive and recreational volleyball for adults and youth.
Recycling (See Rubbish Collection)
Republic Services
Phone: 1-800-882-9565
Web Address: Republic Services
Recycling Calendar - 2025
Recycle "How To" Guide
Republic Services shall maintain and provide a comprehensive bi-weekly curbside recycling program for the City.
At least a 14 to 20 gallon container will be provided to each customer for commingled recyclable items.
Items to be recycled may include newspaper, magazines, three colors of glass, plastic containers, tin, and aluminum cans.
Rubbish Collection (Trash pick-up, refuse, garbage, etc.)
Republic Services
Phone: 1-800-882-9565
Web Address: Republic Services
Republic Services will pick up residential refuse, recyclables, yard waste, and bulky waste weekly. The collection day is Friday. When there is a holiday, collection day is Saturday.
On the first Friday in May and the First Friday in October are special pick up days. Unwanted items that can be carried by two men will be picked up. This is for city residents only; this is not for our commercial or industrial neighbors. This also does not include residents of Timberline Estates, or the Meadow Green condominiums. Items that will NOT be picked up are: automobile parts and especially NO TIRES; hazardous chemicals or liquids; building materials or paint; railroad ties or concrete; grass clippings, large branches, or yard waste materials.
Coopersville Area Public Schools
198 East Street
Coopersville , MI 49404
Phone: 616-997-3200
Web Address: Coopersville Public Schools
The City of Coopersville is served by Coopersville Area Public Schools, which includes Coopersville High School, Junior High School and two elementary schools. In addition, there are several parochial and private schools that serve the community. For more information, click here.
Sewer Service
Coopersville Water/Sewer Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Water/Sewer Department
In the event that you experience sewage/storm water coming up a drain in your home, water leakage in the area of the water meter, or the service running into the house, or from the water main out in the street immediately call the Water and Sewer Department for the City of Coopersville at 997-9731 or after hours call 911.
Sheriff's Office
Ottawa County Sheriff Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff
The Ottawa County Sheriff's Office provides police services to the City through a contract between Ottawa County and the City. This department oversees and preserves general peace and order through enforcement of the laws of the United States , State of Michigan and Codes and Ordinances of Coopersville.
Sign Permits
Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
Permits are required for signs. For more information or permit forms, contact the Zoning Department.
Siren Testing
Sirens are tested on the first Friday of the month at 12:00 noon. The purpose of the sirens is to notify residents of any emergency situation.
The siren will sound for the following emergency situations:
Tornado warning
70+ mph sustained winds
Occurrence of a hazardous material incident
Solicitation (see Peddler's Permits) (also see Ordinances)
Special Rubbish Collection
Republic Services
Phone: 1-800-882-9565
Web Address: Republic Services
Republic Services will collect and dispose of rubbish during the annual Spring and Fall cleanups with no extra charge to customers of the City. The program will be reviewed annually by the City to evaluate in light of and protect against abuses by non-customers.
Speed Monitoring
Ottawa County Sheriff Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff
The Sheriff department has a speed display trailer that can be set up on streets upon complaints of speeders that will display the vehicle's speed plus provide a written synopsis of the traffic flow for the street. Contact the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office-Coopersville Branch at 997-8178 to have the trailer placed on your street.
Tax Assessments
Coopersville City Assessor's Office
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: City Assessor's Office
Tax Assessor: The Assessor's Office annually appraises real and personal property for tax purposes and maintains records relative to assessed, state equalized, and taxable values; Principle Residence Exemption and poverty exemptions; and tax maps. They mail our assessment change notices in February and hold Board of Review in March (for assessment appeals) and in July and December (for clerical corrections).
Tax Assessment Calendar:
December 31: All property is assessed for the following tax year based on its status on this day.
End of February: Assessor's Office mails assessment change notices to property owners identifying the dates and times of the Board of Review.
Mid-March: Board of Review meets to hear assessment appeals and review poverty exemption claims. Taxpayers can schedule an appointment to appeal in person or may appeal by mail.
Mid-July and Mid-December: Board of Review meets in July and in December to correct clerical errors; contact the Assessor's Office for exact dates and times.
Tax Assessment Definitions:
Assessed Value/State Equalized Value: 50% of true cash value as determined by the assessor and confirmed by County/State Equalization.
Taxable Value: A taxable value is calculated by multiplying the prior year's taxable value by the Consumer Price Index (or 5%, whichever is less); in the year following a transfer of property ownership, the taxable value is the same as the state equalized value.
Coopersville City Treasurer's Office
Phone: 616-997-2118
Web Address: City Treasurer's Office
The 2009 Coopersville City tax rate is 39.0169 mills for property with a Principle Residence Exemption or Qualified Agricultural property and 57.0169 for all other property.
The City of Coopersville collects Property Tax twice a year. Bills are sent out the first week in July as well as the first week in December.
Summer Property Taxes are due to be paid by August 20. A penalty of 1% shall be added beginning on August 21. Plus 1% on the first of each month thereafter for all taxes that remain unpaid. Tax Deferment forms are available here and can be filed at Coopersville City Hall until September 15.
Winter Property Taxes are due to be paid by February 14. A penalty of 3% shall be added beginning February 15. March 1 all delinquent taxes are due at the Ottawa County Treasurer's Office.
For your convenience, there is a payment drop box outside the entrance to City Hall. Please feel free to deposit your payment in the drop box during non-business hours.
Telephone Service
Ace Communications
Phone: 616-997-9911
Web Address: AcenTec
Frontier Communications
Phone: 1-877-462-8188
Web Address: Frontier Communications
Allendale Communications and Verizon provide City of Coopersville residents and businesses with local telephone service.
Unlicensed, Disabled, or Inoperable Vehicles
Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
To report unlicensed vehicles, contact the Zoning Director.
Vacation Checks
Ottawa County Sheriff Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff
The Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office periodically checks the homes of residents who are on extended vacations. Contact the Coopersville Branch at 616-997-8178 to register your residence.
Voter Registration
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: Elections and Voting Information
Individuals are eligible to register to vote if they meet the following qualifications:
Click here to visit the Secretary of State's web site and fill out a Michigan Voter Registration Form.
Water/Sewer Bills
Coopersville Water Department
289 Danforth Street
Phone: 616-997-2114
Web Address: Water/Sewer Department
Water and sewer are billed according to usage. Water and sewer bills are mailed near the end of February, April, June, August, October and December. Full payment of bills mailed in February are due by April 10th, April bills are due June 10th, August bills are due October 10th, and December bills are due February 10th. A penalty of 10% of the current charges for water and sewer will be added to any account paid after the due date.
Occasionally you may receive an estimated bill. An estimated bill is generated by our computerized billing system when circumstances such as inclement weather, inaccessible or obstructed equipment, locked gates so that our service personnel are unable to read the meter, or if the meter is broken. We may also estimate usage when there are questionable changes in current consumption compared to historical usage.
The City may shut off and discontinue the supply of water to any premises for nonpayment of water and sewer charges when due. If water or sewer charges for services furnished to any premises are not paid within thirty days after the due date thereof, water service to such premises will be shut off and discontinued and will not be restored until all such charges and penalties have been paid.
All questions regarding your utility bill should be directed to the Water Department at 616-997-9731. If you are moving, be sure to call for a final reading on your account. The Water Department will need a forwarding address for the final billing.
For your convenience, there is a payment drop box outside the entrance to City Hall. Please feel free to deposit your payment in the drop box during non-business hours.
Water Services
Coopersville Water Department
Billing: 616-997-2114
Repair and Maintenance: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Water/Sewer Department
A bill that is higher than expected, but not due to outside watering, may indicate leaking toilets or pipes. In fact, one leaking toilet can lose a lot of water. One way to check for leaks in the toilet is to put some liquid food coloring into the top of your toilet tank, wait at least 20 minutes, and then check the toilet bowl. If the color has seeped into the bowl, you have a toilet leak. Also make sure that outside hose bibbs and faucets are turned off.
Tracking your water usage is as simple as tracking the mileage on your car. Just take a look at your water meter and read the numbers on the dial. To determine your water usage, subtract your previous reading from your current reading.
We offer property inspections to help you determine whether a plumbing fixture is leaking. However, city personnel will not do any repair on your plumbing or fix leaks. If you suspect a leak, we encourage you to contact a plumber. A delay in investigating the reasons for increased consumption at a property can result in a future high bill.
Weed Ordinance (See Grass and Weed Enforcement)
Planning & Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
For zoning information, please contact the Zoning Director.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Planning and Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Zoning Board of Appeals ensures that community development and growth complies with the rules set forth in the City of Coopersville Zoning Ordinance . The board meets on an as needed basis at City Hall in the City Council Chamber. For more information or to receive a copy of the board's agenda or minutes, contact the Zoning Director.
Coopersville Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
If you believe that a vehicle is abandoned on public or private property controlled by you, you can call the Zoning Department and a deputy will be sent to investigate.
Absentee Ballots
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: Elections & Voting Information
Residents of the City of Coopersville who wish to vote by absentee should contact the Coopersville City Clerk's Office.
Accident Reports
Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office
Phone: 616-738-4024
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff Office
To report a personal injury accident on public or private property call 911. To report a property damage accident on public or private property open to the general public, i.e., a store parking lot, call the Coopersville Branch Office 616-997-8178. Copies of accident reports are available here or through the Ottawa County Sheriff Office.
Animal Bites
Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office
Phone: 800-249-0911
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff Office
If a dog bites you call 1-800-249-0911 to file a police report. The owner of the animal will be required to quarantine the dog for 10 days, be checked to ensure the rabies certificate is current and a report will be forwarded to the Ottawa County Animal Control Department. All dogs are required to have a county dog license.
Animal Licenses (See Dog Licenses)
Barking Dogs
Ottawa County Sheriff Office
Phone: 1-800-249-0911
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff Office
It is against city ordinance for dogs to bark continuously. Please call the Ottawa County Sheriff Office at 1-800-249-0911 to report a violation. Repeated calls to the same address may result in a misdemeanor citation.
Bicycle Registrations
Bicycle registrations can be done at
Board of Appeals (Construction)
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Construction Board of Appeals consists of members with expertise in a building trade or profession. The appeals process is for questions of interpretation, proper application and equivalency only. If the board has cause to avoid the strict application of a particular section of the codes, they may grant a waiver of specific code requirements.
Board of Appeals (Zoning)
Planning and Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Zoning Board of Appeals ensures that community development and growth complies with the rules set forth in the City of Coopersville Zoning Ordinance . The board meets on an as needed basis at City Hall in the City Council Chamber. For more information contact the Zoning Director. Agendas and minutes can be obtained here.
Brush and Limbs
Republic Services
Phone: 1-800-882-9565
Web Address: Republic Services
Republic Services provides a comprehensive curbside yard waste program for the residents of the City beginning the first week in April and continuing through the end of November each year. Bags for recycling yard waste are available at a variety of local merchants. Customers may use their own containers clearly marked "Yard Waste".
Yard waste is defined as leaves, grass clippings, vegetable or other garden debris, shrubbery, brush or tree trimmings less than four feet in length and two inches in diameter, or wood chips that can be converted to compost humus. Yard clippings do not include stumps, agriculture wastes, animal waste, roots, sewage sludge, or garbage.
Building Permits
Building Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Building Department
Building permits must be obtained from the Building Department before beginning any construction, remodeling, mechanical, electrical, or plumbing work. Purely cosmetic (non-structural) changes such as painting are exempt. A permit is also required for sign and demolitions. For more information or permit forms, contact the Building Department.
Burn Permits
Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department
Phone: 616-997-5847
Web site: Fire Department
The Fire Department is responsible for the issuance of Burn Permits in accordance with Chapter 1615 of the Codified Ordinances and applicant agrees to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, which includes, but is not limited to the following terms and conditions:
Open burning of leaves and grass clippings is PROHIBITED.
Open burning of trees, logs, brush and stumps is permitted.
Flames shall not exceed 6 feet in height.
Fire must be located at least 20 feet from the nearest building which is NOT on the same property.
Fire must be located in the rear yard of the property, if applicable.
Fire must be constantly attended and supervised by a competent person of at least 18 years of age. Any person utilizing or maintaining an outdoor fire shall be responsible for all fire suppression costs and any other liability resulting from damage caused by the fire.
Business License
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: Business Licenses
You need a Business License if you have a physical presence in the City of Coopersville whether it is a commercial location or a business operated out of your home (see Home Business)
Cable Television Services
AcenTek (formerly Ace Communications)
Phone: 616-895-9911 or (800) 356-5261
Web Address: AcenTek
Charter Communications
315 Davis
Grand Haven, MI 49417
Phone: 1-800-545-0994
Web Address: Charter Communications
City of Coopersville residents who wish to request cable television service, should contact either Ace Communications or Charter Communications.
City Hall
289 Danforth Street
Coopersville , MI 49404
Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday - Closed
Phone: 616-997-9731
City Hall contains the City Council Chambers, the offices of the City Manager, Assessor, Building Department, Planning and Zoning Department, City Clerk, City Treasurer, Water Billing Department and Recreation Department. There are separate entrances for the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office-Coopersville Branch and the Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department.
City Closings
All city departments and services, except the Police and Fire Departments, are closed to recognize the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve.
City Council
City Manager's Office
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Coopersville City Council is composed of the mayor and six city council members. Elections for Council are held every two years, on the odd year, on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November. The terms are staggered such that three Council Members are eligible for election every two years.
As part of its legislative function, the City Council adopts city ordinances; passes city resolutions related to city policy; it approves the city budget based on income generated by Property Taxes and other income sources. Besides appointing the City Manager, the City Council appoints the City Clerk, and City Treasurer.
The Mayor chairs City Council meetings, and has a vote on the Council. The Mayor Pro Tem, chairs Council meetings when the Mayor is absent.
While a member of City Council, the Mayor has additional special functions. For example, the Mayor is the official head of the city, representing it in various government functions, both locally and regionally. The Mayor appoints members to many of the Boards and Commissions, subject to Council ratification.
Code Enforcement
Zoning Director
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
The Zoning Director is responsible for the following programs: property maintenance, code enforcement, and grass/weed enforcement. For more information, please contact the Zoning Director.
To report code enforcement violations on any property in the City of Coopersville , contact the Zoning Director. When filing your complaint, be sure to have the exact street address of the property and type of violation (unkept yard, non-licensed vehicle, etc.)
Concerns or Questions
City Manager's Office
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: City Manager's Office
If you have concerns or questions regarding City Services, contact the City Manager's Office.
Construction Board of Appeals
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Construction Board of Appeals consists of members with expertise in a building trade or profession. The appeals process is for questions of interpretation, proper application and equivalency only. If the board has cause to avoid the strict application of a particular section of the codes, they may grant a waiver of specific code requirements.
Web Address: Demographics
Coopersville Livability
Population: 4,828
Households: 1,604
Housing Units: 1,742
Median Household Income: $47,098
These figures are from the 2020 U.S. Census. To see the complete demographics for the City of Coopersville and it's Primary Trade Area, click here.
Miss Dig
Phone: 1-800-482-7171 or 811
Do not dig before underground utilities are located. Call to have utility lines located before planning to dig.
Dog Licenses
Ottawa County Treasurer's Office
Phone: 616-994-4501
Web Address: County Treasurer's Office
You can renew online at Ottawa County Treasurer 's Offices.
Downtown Development Authority
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Coopersville's Downtown Development Authority
The Downtown Development Authority shall correct and prevent the deterioration in the business districts, the encouragement of historic preservation, the creation and implementation of development plans in the district, and the promotion of economic growth in the DDA. Click here to answer the question, what is the Downtown Development Authority?
Electrical Inspections
Professional Code Inspections
Phone: 616-667-8803
Web Address: Professional Code Inspections
Electric Utilities
Consumers Energy
Phone: 1-800-477-5050
Web Address: Consumers Energy
Consumer’s Energy provides Coopersville City residents and businesses with electric services.
Election Inspectors
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: Election Inspectors
The City of Coopersville is accepting applications for Election Inspectors. Serving as an election inspector at the polling site is a great way to participate in the democratic process. On Election Day, we count on civic-minded individuals to report to work at the designated time, prepare the polling place for voting, set up the voting equipment, process the voters, demonstrate voting procedures to the voters, and close the polling place at 8:00 P.M.
You must be:
- 18 years of age or older;
- A registered voter;
- A resident of Ottawa County; and
- Able to serve from 6:30 AM until about 9:00 PM when all closing duties are complete.
Inspectors are paid for their time spent in training and working. You will be trained in election law and procedures and are required to work on election days at the Coopersville City Hall/Fire Station where elections are conducted. Election Inspectors must declare their party as a balance of party members must be maintained during elections.
Click here for an application. Completed applications should be mailed to the Clerk's Office, City of Coopersville 289 Danforth Street, Coopersville MI 49404 or they can be faxed to 616-997-6679. You will be contacted when your application is approved and training classes are available.
Fence Construction
Building Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Building Department
In order to erect, install, locate or maintain a fence within the City of Coopersville, a permit must been obtained. Fence Permits may be obtained here or at Coopersville City Hall , 289 Danforth Street .
Fire Department
Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department
Phone: 616-997-5847
Web site: Fire Department
The Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department responds to all calls within the City of Coopersville and Polkton Township . All types of fires occur in our area. We respond to house fires, commercial building fires, car fires, grass and brush fires, and garage fires. In short, any type of fire that is burning in the area is our responsibility to put out as quickly and safely as our resources permit.
Garbage Collection (See Rubbish Collection)
Gas Utility
Michigan Gas Utilities
Phone: 1-800-401-6402
Web Address: Michigan Gas Utilities
Michigan Gas Utilities provides Coopersville residents and businesses with gas service.
Graffiti Vandalism
Ottawa County Sheriff's Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Graffiti vandalism should be reported to the Coopersville Branch at 616-997-8178.
Grass and Weed Enforcement
Zoning Director
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
To report violations on any property in the City of Coopersville , call the Zoning Director. Please be ready to present the street address and location on the property of the offending vegetation.
Health Department
Ottawa County Health Department
Phone: 616-846-8360
Web Address: Ottawa County Health Department
The Ottawa County Health Department is committed to providing environmental protection, health promotion, disease prevention, and assuring quality health services to Ottawa County residents.
Historical Museum
Coopersville Area Historical Society & Museum
Jim & Lil Budzyinski, Curators
363 Main Street
Coopersville, MI 49404
Phone: 616-837-7240 or 616-837-6978
Email: Historical Society
For information on exhibits, artifact and archival collections, research library and other facilities, contact the Coopersville Area Historical Society.
Home Business
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: Business Licenses
Certain home businesses are permitted by the City of Coopersville Zoning Ordinance. However, there are restrictions that apply. For more information, contact the City Clerk’s Office.
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
Ottawa County Resource Recovery Service Center
Phone: 616-393-5645
Web Address: Resource Recovery Service Center
Realizing the need for better management of household hazardous waste within Ottawa County, the Ottawa County Environmental Health Division has opened four Resource Recovery Service Centers throughout the County. Visit the website to view a list of materials accepted. This is a free service for all of Ottawa County residents. The recycling services requires an annual membership.
Ottawa County Sheriff's Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Hunting is hereby allowed within the City limits during the regular hunting season established by, and in compliance with, all rules and regulations established by the State of Michigan, and is not done within 500 feet of any building, structure or roadway.
Hunting is allowed using bow and arrow or crossbow.
Hydrant Flow Testing
Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department
Phone: 616-997-5847
The Coopersville/Polkton Fire Department is on a bi-annual fire hydrant flow testing program. Every other year we check the pressure and flow, in gallons per minute, of all city fire hydrants.
Lawn Care (See Grass and Weed Enforcement)
Leaf Collection
Republic Services
Phone: 1-800-882-9565
Web Address: Republic Services
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. provides a comprehensive curbside yard waste program for the residents of the City beginning the first week in April and continuing through the end of November each year. Bags for recycling yard waste are available at a variety of local merchants. Customers may use containers clearly marked "Yard Waste".
Yard waste is defined as leaves, grass clippings, vegetable or other garden debris, shrubbery, brush or tree trimmings less than four feet in length and two inches in diameter, or wood chips that can be converted to compost humus. Yard clippings do not include stumps, agriculture wastes, animal waste, roots, sewage sludge, or garbage.
Leash Law
Ottawa County Sheriff Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff
No dog is allowed to run at large. Dogs must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet. The dog owner must also clean up animal excrement.
Coopersville Area District Library
333 Ottawa Street
Coopersville , MI 49404
Phone: 616-837-6809
Web Address: Coopersville Area District Library
The Mission of the Coopersville Area District Library is:
To Inspire reading for a life time of learning. To stimulate interest for all ages of varied viewpoints and of broad understanding. To provide informational resources for the intellectual enrichment and entertainment of all patrons. To lead in quality library services for the diverse needs of our community.
Maps of City (Street map with address numbers)
City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-9731
Additional maps of the City of Coopersville are available in the Clerk's Office.
Marriage Licenses
Ottawa County Clerk's Office
414 Washington Avenue , Room 301
Grand Haven , MI 49417
Phone: 616-846-8310
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Web Address: Ottawa County
The Ottawa County Clerk's Office issues marriage licenses. Click here for more information about the requirements for a Marriage License.
Marriage License Copies
Ottawa County Clerk's Office
414 Washington Avenue , Room 301
Grand Haven , MI 49417
Phone: 616-846-8310
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Web Address: Ottawa County
Certified copies are available at $15.00 for the first copy plus $6.00 for each additional copy.
Mechanical Inspections
Professional Code Inspections
Phone: 616-667-8803
Web Address: Professional Code Inspections
Ottawa County Sheriff's Office
Phone: 1-800-249-0911
City ordinance states that there will be no unnecessary loud or unusual noise which annoys, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of the public, nor shall any person play or operate any musical instrument, phonograph or radio in such a manner as to cause loud or unusual sound or noise between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Call to report a violation.
Ottawa County Sheriff's Office
Phone: 1-800-249-0911
Vehicles may not be parked on any city street between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. from November through March. Violating vehicles may be impounded and their owners charged for all costs and penalties.
Parks and Recreation
Parks Department
Phone: 616-997-2123
Web Address: Recreation Department
The City of Coopersville has four parks, Grove Street Park, Main Street Park, the City Sports Complex and Veteran's Park.
In 1995, the City of Coopersville envisioned a variety of programs for youth and adults residing in the Coopersville Area Public School district. The yearly addition of programs has helped the Coopersville Recreation Department reach that goal to meet future recreational and leisure needs.
The programs currently offered include archery, basketball for both adults and youth, bantam league and pony league baseball, football for adults and youth, soccer, softball for both adults and youth, Tae Kwon Do, competitive and recreational volleyball for adults and youth.
Park Reservations
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-9731
Veteran's Memorial Park Pavilion, DDA Pavilion & Pocket Park Pavilion - There is a $50.00 refundable deposit required to reserve the parks. (Note: Non-city residents refund will be only $25.00.) You can obtain a Park Reservation Application here or at Coopersville City Hall or on-line under 'Forms'.
Payments: Automatic Payment (ACH) Enrollment Information or One time On-line Property Tax or Utility Payment
Automatic Payments of Utility Bills
Stop writing checks! Avoid late fees! No more remembering to stop at City Hall to pay your utility bill! (Not that we don’t like to see you!)
Having your utility bill automatically deducted from your checking or savings account on the due date is the easiest way to pay your bill. When you receive your water bill, it will show the amount due and remind you not to pay it; but it will be deducted from your bank account.
Just complete the ‘Automatic Payment (ACH)’ enrollment form. Drop it off at the Administrative Offices, fax it to 616-997-6679 or mail it to the Water Department, 289 Danforth Street, Coopersville, MI 49404.
Is it safe and secure?
Yes, both the City of Coopersville and our financial institution are required to keep your banking information confidential.
Will I still receive a bill?
Yes, you will simply no longer need to write a check to make your payment. The payment will be automatically deducted on the due date as indicated on your bill.
What if I don't agree with the amount charged?
Contact Customer Service at 997-2114 as you normally would with a billing question. You will need to contact us within 10 days of the billing date to allow time to resolve concerns before the payment due date.
Once I send in this form will my next bill be paid automatically?
NOT NECESSARILY. You will need to allow 30 days for your enrollment to be processed. Continue to pay as you normally would until your bill shows that you have been signed up for automatic payment.
What if I change banks or accounts?
You will need to submit a new enrollment form. Contact Water Customer Service at 997-2114 and we will send one to you. Or print the enrollment form (PDF) from our website.
What if my payment is returned by the bank?
Payments may be returned by a financial institution for insufficient funds, closed accounts or other reasons. If your payment is returned for any reason you will be charged a processing fee. The City reserves the right to discontinue your participation in the program if your payment is rejected more than once in a six month period. Your financial institution may also charge fees for rejected payments.
On-line Payment for Tax or Utility Bill by Credit Card or E-Check
As part of our commitment to provide the citizens of Coopersville with efficient and convenient services, we are pleased to announce that the City of Coopersville has partnered with G2G Cloud Solutions to offer you the option of electronic payments.
Paying taxes and utilities electronically allows consumers to take advantage of card rewards, payment flexibility, convenience, and safety. This service is safe and reliable and in accordance with state and government regulations.
You can use your credit card or electronic check (e-check) to pay property taxes and utility bills over the internet at
After authorization of your payment, you will be given a confirmation number that you should keep for your records. A nominal convenience fee is charged by G2G Cloud Solutions based on the transaction amount. The consumer is notified of this fee before their payment is made. The convenience fee is NOT revenue for the City of Coopersville, but a service fee charged by G2G Cloud Solutions.
Peddler's Permit
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: City Clerk's Office
Any business, person or for-profit organization soliciting homes in the City of Coopersville must obtain a door-to-door Peddler's license from the City Clerk's Office. For more information, fees, rules and regulations, contact the office or click here.
Permits for Construction
Professional Code Inspections
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Professional Code Inspections
Building permits must be obtained from Professional Code Inspections before beginning any construction, remodeling, mechanical, electrical, or plumbing work. Purely cosmetic (non-structural) changes such as painting are exempt. A permit is also required for signs and demolitions. For more information or permit forms, contact the Building Department.
Planning Commission
Planning and Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Planning and Zoning department specializes in carrying out the City's Codified Ordinances and formulating methods to implement the ideas set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Director works with the Planning Commission to review site plans, ordinances, and conduct visioning sessions. Examples of these efforts are ultimately visible in the community in the form of regulated sign heights, higher quality architecture in commercial buildings, abundant landscaping, along with safe passage routes for pedestrians and vehicles alike. The Planning Commission meets on the third Monday of the month, 7:00 P.M. at City Hall.
Planning Ordinances
Planning and Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Planning Department
The Planning and Zoning Ordinances are now on-line. They are available in Acrobat Reader (992KB) format.
Plumbing Inspections
Professional Code Inspections
Phone: 616-667-8803
Web Address: Professional Code Inspections
Police Protection (See Sheriff's Department)
Pool Construction
Building Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Building Department
Before beginning pool construction, businesses and residents must obtain a permit and comply with city ordinances regulating pools. For more information or to obtain a permit, contact the Building Department.
Population (See Demographics)
Post Office
Coopersville Branch
314 Center Street
Coopersville , MI 49404
Web Address: United State Post Office
A full service Post Office is available for the convenience of Coopersville residents and businesses.
Department of Public Works
Phone: 616-997-8502
Web Address: Department of Public Works
The Coopersville Department of Public Works repairs all potholes on city streets. To report a pothole, contact the Department of Public Works.
Recreation Department
Phone: 616-997-2123
Web Address: Recreation Department
In 1995, the City of Coopersville envisioned a variety of programs for youth and adults residing in the Coopersville Area Public School district. The yearly addition of programs has helped the Coopersville Recreation Department reach that goal to meet future recreational and leisure needs.
The programs currently offered include archery, basketball for both adults and youth, bantam league and pony league baseball, football for adults and youth, soccer, softball for both adults and youth, Tae Kwon Do, competitive and recreational volleyball for adults and youth.
Recycling (See Rubbish Collection)
Republic Services
Phone: 1-800-882-9565
Web Address: Republic Services
Recycling Calendar - 2025
Recycle "How To" Guide
Republic Services shall maintain and provide a comprehensive bi-weekly curbside recycling program for the City.
At least a 14 to 20 gallon container will be provided to each customer for commingled recyclable items.
Items to be recycled may include newspaper, magazines, three colors of glass, plastic containers, tin, and aluminum cans.
Rubbish Collection (Trash pick-up, refuse, garbage, etc.)
Republic Services
Phone: 1-800-882-9565
Web Address: Republic Services
Republic Services will pick up residential refuse, recyclables, yard waste, and bulky waste weekly. The collection day is Friday. When there is a holiday, collection day is Saturday.
On the first Friday in May and the First Friday in October are special pick up days. Unwanted items that can be carried by two men will be picked up. This is for city residents only; this is not for our commercial or industrial neighbors. This also does not include residents of Timberline Estates, or the Meadow Green condominiums. Items that will NOT be picked up are: automobile parts and especially NO TIRES; hazardous chemicals or liquids; building materials or paint; railroad ties or concrete; grass clippings, large branches, or yard waste materials.
Coopersville Area Public Schools
198 East Street
Coopersville , MI 49404
Phone: 616-997-3200
Web Address: Coopersville Public Schools
The City of Coopersville is served by Coopersville Area Public Schools, which includes Coopersville High School, Junior High School and two elementary schools. In addition, there are several parochial and private schools that serve the community. For more information, click here.
Sewer Service
Coopersville Water/Sewer Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Water/Sewer Department
In the event that you experience sewage/storm water coming up a drain in your home, water leakage in the area of the water meter, or the service running into the house, or from the water main out in the street immediately call the Water and Sewer Department for the City of Coopersville at 997-9731 or after hours call 911.
Sheriff's Office
Ottawa County Sheriff Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff
The Ottawa County Sheriff's Office provides police services to the City through a contract between Ottawa County and the City. This department oversees and preserves general peace and order through enforcement of the laws of the United States , State of Michigan and Codes and Ordinances of Coopersville.
Sign Permits
Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
Permits are required for signs. For more information or permit forms, contact the Zoning Department.
Siren Testing
Sirens are tested on the first Friday of the month at 12:00 noon. The purpose of the sirens is to notify residents of any emergency situation.
The siren will sound for the following emergency situations:
Tornado warning
70+ mph sustained winds
Occurrence of a hazardous material incident
Solicitation (see Peddler's Permits) (also see Ordinances)
Special Rubbish Collection
Republic Services
Phone: 1-800-882-9565
Web Address: Republic Services
Republic Services will collect and dispose of rubbish during the annual Spring and Fall cleanups with no extra charge to customers of the City. The program will be reviewed annually by the City to evaluate in light of and protect against abuses by non-customers.
Speed Monitoring
Ottawa County Sheriff Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff
The Sheriff department has a speed display trailer that can be set up on streets upon complaints of speeders that will display the vehicle's speed plus provide a written synopsis of the traffic flow for the street. Contact the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office-Coopersville Branch at 997-8178 to have the trailer placed on your street.
Tax Assessments
Coopersville City Assessor's Office
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: City Assessor's Office
Tax Assessor: The Assessor's Office annually appraises real and personal property for tax purposes and maintains records relative to assessed, state equalized, and taxable values; Principle Residence Exemption and poverty exemptions; and tax maps. They mail our assessment change notices in February and hold Board of Review in March (for assessment appeals) and in July and December (for clerical corrections).
Tax Assessment Calendar:
December 31: All property is assessed for the following tax year based on its status on this day.
End of February: Assessor's Office mails assessment change notices to property owners identifying the dates and times of the Board of Review.
Mid-March: Board of Review meets to hear assessment appeals and review poverty exemption claims. Taxpayers can schedule an appointment to appeal in person or may appeal by mail.
Mid-July and Mid-December: Board of Review meets in July and in December to correct clerical errors; contact the Assessor's Office for exact dates and times.
Tax Assessment Definitions:
Assessed Value/State Equalized Value: 50% of true cash value as determined by the assessor and confirmed by County/State Equalization.
Taxable Value: A taxable value is calculated by multiplying the prior year's taxable value by the Consumer Price Index (or 5%, whichever is less); in the year following a transfer of property ownership, the taxable value is the same as the state equalized value.
Coopersville City Treasurer's Office
Phone: 616-997-2118
Web Address: City Treasurer's Office
The 2009 Coopersville City tax rate is 39.0169 mills for property with a Principle Residence Exemption or Qualified Agricultural property and 57.0169 for all other property.
The City of Coopersville collects Property Tax twice a year. Bills are sent out the first week in July as well as the first week in December.
Summer Property Taxes are due to be paid by August 20. A penalty of 1% shall be added beginning on August 21. Plus 1% on the first of each month thereafter for all taxes that remain unpaid. Tax Deferment forms are available here and can be filed at Coopersville City Hall until September 15.
Winter Property Taxes are due to be paid by February 14. A penalty of 3% shall be added beginning February 15. March 1 all delinquent taxes are due at the Ottawa County Treasurer's Office.
For your convenience, there is a payment drop box outside the entrance to City Hall. Please feel free to deposit your payment in the drop box during non-business hours.
Telephone Service
Ace Communications
Phone: 616-997-9911
Web Address: AcenTec
Frontier Communications
Phone: 1-877-462-8188
Web Address: Frontier Communications
Allendale Communications and Verizon provide City of Coopersville residents and businesses with local telephone service.
Unlicensed, Disabled, or Inoperable Vehicles
Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
To report unlicensed vehicles, contact the Zoning Director.
Vacation Checks
Ottawa County Sheriff Office-Coopersville Branch
Phone: 616-997-8178
Web Address: Ottawa County Sheriff
The Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office periodically checks the homes of residents who are on extended vacations. Contact the Coopersville Branch at 616-997-8178 to register your residence.
Voter Registration
Coopersville City Clerk's Office
Phone: 616-997-2113
Web Address: Elections and Voting Information
Individuals are eligible to register to vote if they meet the following qualifications:
- At least 18 years of age by the date of the next election
- A citizen of the United States
- A resident of the State of Michigan and a 30-day resident of the City of Coopersville
Click here to visit the Secretary of State's web site and fill out a Michigan Voter Registration Form.
Water/Sewer Bills
Coopersville Water Department
289 Danforth Street
Phone: 616-997-2114
Web Address: Water/Sewer Department
Water and sewer are billed according to usage. Water and sewer bills are mailed near the end of February, April, June, August, October and December. Full payment of bills mailed in February are due by April 10th, April bills are due June 10th, August bills are due October 10th, and December bills are due February 10th. A penalty of 10% of the current charges for water and sewer will be added to any account paid after the due date.
Occasionally you may receive an estimated bill. An estimated bill is generated by our computerized billing system when circumstances such as inclement weather, inaccessible or obstructed equipment, locked gates so that our service personnel are unable to read the meter, or if the meter is broken. We may also estimate usage when there are questionable changes in current consumption compared to historical usage.
The City may shut off and discontinue the supply of water to any premises for nonpayment of water and sewer charges when due. If water or sewer charges for services furnished to any premises are not paid within thirty days after the due date thereof, water service to such premises will be shut off and discontinued and will not be restored until all such charges and penalties have been paid.
All questions regarding your utility bill should be directed to the Water Department at 616-997-9731. If you are moving, be sure to call for a final reading on your account. The Water Department will need a forwarding address for the final billing.
For your convenience, there is a payment drop box outside the entrance to City Hall. Please feel free to deposit your payment in the drop box during non-business hours.
Water Services
Coopersville Water Department
Billing: 616-997-2114
Repair and Maintenance: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Water/Sewer Department
A bill that is higher than expected, but not due to outside watering, may indicate leaking toilets or pipes. In fact, one leaking toilet can lose a lot of water. One way to check for leaks in the toilet is to put some liquid food coloring into the top of your toilet tank, wait at least 20 minutes, and then check the toilet bowl. If the color has seeped into the bowl, you have a toilet leak. Also make sure that outside hose bibbs and faucets are turned off.
Tracking your water usage is as simple as tracking the mileage on your car. Just take a look at your water meter and read the numbers on the dial. To determine your water usage, subtract your previous reading from your current reading.
We offer property inspections to help you determine whether a plumbing fixture is leaking. However, city personnel will not do any repair on your plumbing or fix leaks. If you suspect a leak, we encourage you to contact a plumber. A delay in investigating the reasons for increased consumption at a property can result in a future high bill.
Weed Ordinance (See Grass and Weed Enforcement)
Planning & Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Zoning Department
For zoning information, please contact the Zoning Director.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Planning and Zoning Department
Phone: 616-997-9731
Web Address: Boards and Commissions
The Zoning Board of Appeals ensures that community development and growth complies with the rules set forth in the City of Coopersville Zoning Ordinance . The board meets on an as needed basis at City Hall in the City Council Chamber. For more information or to receive a copy of the board's agenda or minutes, contact the Zoning Director.