The Department of Public Works plans, constructs and maintains the city's streets, storm water sewers, lighting systems, parks, and facilities. The Department of Public Works provides assistance to the Water and Sewer Department whenever the situation requires additional manpower.
Yard Waste Collection
Republic Services provides a comprehensive curbside yard waste program for the residents of the City beginning the first week in April and continuing through the end of November each year. Bags for recycling yard waste are available at a variety of local merchants. Residents may also place yard waste in a container that is clearly marked "Yard Waste".
Yard waste is defined as leaves, grass clippings, vegetable or other garden debris, shrubbery, brush or tree trimmings less than four feet in length and two inches in diameter, or wood chips that can be converted to compost humus. Yard clippings do not include stumps, agricultural waste, animal waste, roots, sewage sludge, or garbage.
Republic Services provides a comprehensive curbside yard waste program for the residents of the City beginning the first week in April and continuing through the end of November each year. Bags for recycling yard waste are available at a variety of local merchants. Residents may also place yard waste in a container that is clearly marked "Yard Waste".
Yard waste is defined as leaves, grass clippings, vegetable or other garden debris, shrubbery, brush or tree trimmings less than four feet in length and two inches in diameter, or wood chips that can be converted to compost humus. Yard clippings do not include stumps, agricultural waste, animal waste, roots, sewage sludge, or garbage.
Mailbox Repair
Resolution 1984-145
WHEREAS, The City of Coopersville Department of Public Works in its effort to provide snow removal may strike a mailbox, and;
WHEREAS, The City feels it should provide compensation to citizens whose mailboxes are physically hit by snowplows, and;
WHEREAS, The City has no legal responsibility to replace mailboxes which are hit by moving snow, but will accept responsibility in cases where the plow accidently strikes the box;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Staff shall design a complaint form and investigation procedure to determine whether a mailbox has been damaged by the plow or moving snow.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED THAT, in cases where it is determined by the staff that a mailbox has been damaged by physically being hit by a plow that the City shall provide a replacement mailbox of the City's choice.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT, the City shall in no case take responsibility for mailboxed hit by moving snow.
Resolution 1984-145
WHEREAS, The City of Coopersville Department of Public Works in its effort to provide snow removal may strike a mailbox, and;
WHEREAS, The City feels it should provide compensation to citizens whose mailboxes are physically hit by snowplows, and;
WHEREAS, The City has no legal responsibility to replace mailboxes which are hit by moving snow, but will accept responsibility in cases where the plow accidently strikes the box;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Staff shall design a complaint form and investigation procedure to determine whether a mailbox has been damaged by the plow or moving snow.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED THAT, in cases where it is determined by the staff that a mailbox has been damaged by physically being hit by a plow that the City shall provide a replacement mailbox of the City's choice.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT, the City shall in no case take responsibility for mailboxed hit by moving snow.
Winter Parking Regulations
Just a reminder that vehicles may not be parked on any city street between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM from November 1 through March 31. Violating vehicles may be impounded and their owners charged for all costs and penalties. Please help our crews keep the streets clear by parking off-street.
Snow Plowing
It takes a tremendous effort by the Coopersville Department of Public Works to keep our streets well maintained during the winter months. Please help by remembering to follow the winter parking ordinance so streets can be snow plowed. Do not shovel or blow snow into the street. Clear sidewalks of snow and ice within 24 hours after snow has fallen and accumulated.
It takes a tremendous effort by the Coopersville Department of Public Works to keep our streets well maintained during the winter months. Please help by remembering to follow the winter parking ordinance so streets can be snow plowed. Do not shovel or blow snow into the street. Clear sidewalks of snow and ice within 24 hours after snow has fallen and accumulated.
Residents must keep their sidewalks clear of ice and snow so that people can walk on them safely. Snow must be cleared within twenty-four hours after it has fallen or has accumulated. If you do not have sidewalks you must clear a path where a sidewalk would be. The owner of an unoccupied land or business is responsible for their sidewalks. If you don’t take care of them, the city may do it and charge you for it.
Residents must keep their sidewalks clear of ice and snow so that people can walk on them safely. Snow must be cleared within twenty-four hours after it has fallen or has accumulated. If you do not have sidewalks you must clear a path where a sidewalk would be. The owner of an unoccupied land or business is responsible for their sidewalks. If you don’t take care of them, the city may do it and charge you for it.