SEIU which has been representing the union and most of the hourly employees for years has decided to no longer provide representation. I was informed of this by the same letter that many of you received in the mail. No one else including the union president, which is a city employee, informed me of this situation prior to the letter.
Because of this news, I am in the process of merging the current Personnel Handbook and the expired union contract into one document to create an updated Personnel Handbook that includes much of what was positive from the union contract. My intent, once the first draft is complete, is to have every employee review it and provide input if they so desire before a final version is brought to council for approval. As always I urge council members to contact me if you have questions or comments. I have been informed that some of council may have questions about this so once again I urge you to contact me.
Ironwood Guard Rail Replacement
The guard rail project on Ironwood was completed on Friday. The delay in starting was for the material to arrive and obviously it has. There were brief inconveniences but there were flagmen on site to allow traffic to move both east and west. I know, another project and more traffic delays.
Dedicated Sewer Main – Lift Station
Progress continues on this project and construction is on track. No major issues and no major delays to report at this time.
Second River Crossing Water Project Phase I
This week, we had a joint meeting with Prein & Newhof, Ottawa County, Polkton Township, and Allendale Township to review the status of this project. There have been a few changes to a couple of the details of the plan, but the essence of the concept remains intact.
I heard from Ken Rizzio that the EDA should be making a decision on the $2.5 million grant by the end of next week. Keep your fingers crossed that the news we receive will be positive. I want to thank Ken Rizzio again for all his work on this project. West Michigan and Coopersville are fortunate to have his knowledge and skills available for projects of this nature.
WWTP Project Phase II
We are continuing to search for funds and continuing to design this project. I am receiving a bit more assistance from other parties outside of the city in pursuing options for non-traditional funding sources. I’m not comfortable writing about the specifics at this time because of political considerations for elected officials and other administrators that may be working behind the scenes on our behalf. This issue is taking more of my time as it should because of the short and long term implications. I urge individual members of the council to contact me if there are questions.
West Randall Street Reconstruction Project
Regular updates are going out via the city’s website and Facebook page. To the best of my knowledge the project is on schedule at this time. Please let me know if you have concerns or would like additional information as the project is underway.