As with many aspects of government and those agencies associated with government, the DDA’s mission is often misunderstood. This is certainly understandable and that is why I have included the “Downtown Development Authority Tax Increment Financing and Development Plan” introduction below. It states quite succinctly what the DDA is authorized to do and I believe it’s an excellent document to refer when we want to remind ourselves of what the DDA’s purpose is then, and now.
“The legislative body of a municipality is authorized under Michigan P.A. 197 of 1975, as amended (Act 197), to create a Downtown Development Authority (DDA). The Ordinance establishing the authority must also designate the boundaries of the DDA District within which the authority may exercise its powers. The Board of Directors of the Authority must consist of between eight and 12 members, plus the municipality’s Chief Executive Officer or City Manager.
The purpose of a DDA is to prevent deterioration and promote economic growth within a business district by developing, adopting and implementing plans for new and redevelopment. Separate plans may be adopted for different development areas within the DDA District. The plan may include proposals for construction, renovation, repair, remodeling or rehabilitation of a public facility, an existing building or a multiple family dwelling unit that aids economic growth in the Downtown District.
To implement a development plan, the authority may construct, rehabilitate, equip, improve, maintain, or operate any building within the District for public or private use. The authority may acquire and own, lease or dispose of any land or real and personal property that the authority determines to be reasonably necessary to prevent deterioration and promote economic growth in the business district. The authority may also acquire and construct public facilities and make land improvements. Act 197 also allows municipalities to take private property under the power of eminent domain and transfer the property to the DDA.
Funds to finance activities of the authority may be derived from several sources including taxes, revenues generated from the use of assets, proceeds from revenue bonds, municipal funds, state and federal grants, special assessment levies and tax increment financing receipts.”
I encourage new and established board members to visit the Coopersville’s DDA’s website to refresh themselves on what our mission and purpose is under the legislation that was passed many years ago ( - scroll down to read our Mission). We also have additional information on the various projects undertaken over the years. Obviously, one can personally visit Main Street, the North Parking lot, and other locations where the DDA has revitalized infrastructure both below the ground and above. Please give me a call if you have questions or just want to have a dialogue.
Tuesday night we have an important agenda that includes a discussion about the 2018-2019 Budget. Please contact me if you have questions prior to Tuesday night. Spring, with the promise of Summer, has finally arrived. Enjoy your weekends and please be safe out there.
Walk Thru Park Project
Jan Richardson and I met with Matt Levandoski (Prein&Newhof landscape architect) to review the scope of the Walk Thru Park as well as possible options to split the project into phases dependent on projected costs. Matt will have preliminary sketches in another week. We will have Matt attend our June meeting to introduce himself and to share what has been proposed to date.
Pocket Park Construction – almost ready for the public
Work commenced this week to tie up all the loose ends for completing the Pocket Park. Next week Tuesday, we have a walk-through inspection (punch list) to insure the DDA and city are satisfied with the work.
FYI: The water feature works, however we’re waiting for a couple of electrical parts to arrive to pass final electrical inspection: The sod placed before winter has taken root: A few pavers needing replaced are done: The pavilion needed a few tweaks, and those are done. More information Tuesday night.