There is a certain momentum occurring here in Coopersville that is real and positive. For those with experience in project management, I’m sure you can attest to the phenomena that momentum is not natural to the process. Momentum is achieved and maintained by people with purpose, vision, and effort. Without sustained effort, momentum can reach a state of rest in a remarkably short period of time. I have witnessed this numerous times, so I took note when I came across a passage by Polybius, a Greek stateman and historian who lived around 120 BC, in which he wrote:
Some men give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal; while others,
on the contrary, obtain a victory by exerting, at the last moment, more vigorous efforts
than before.
Currently, the city has momentum. The reasons for this momentum are multi-faceted and is the result of many individuals that have purpose, vision, and are exerting effort. If Coopersville is to continue to make strides in economic development and enhancing the quality of life for our residents and business owners, then momentum must be sustained. We must never allow our momentum, once achieved, to falter. I believe this is one of the major attributes we must consider when voters elect council members, when management hires new employees, when engineers and lawyers are consulted on critical issues, or when naming individuals to the city’s various boards and committees. I believe the concept of momentum in an organization or city is real, and it is impacted by both large and small decisions that all of us make.
…may the momentum be with you…
Monday promises to be a special evening because we are thanking former Ottawa County Sheriff Gary Rosema for his service and commitment to the City of Coopersville. Gary’s personal connection to Coopersville helped motivate his desire to pilot the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office replacing our police department; it became a solid success. Yes, others were involved and were critical to implementing and sustaining the program, but Gary’s desire efforts and momentum was vital to the success of the program and we thank him.
Members of the Wage & Compensation Committee will meet after the council meeting Monday night to further discuss the City Manager’s review and compensation. This is rescheduled due to my absence last week. Autumn officially begins today and tomorrow so enjoy this unusually warm weather and have a fantastic weekend; be SAFE out there!
Michigan Infrastructure Asset Management Pilot Program
“The 21st Century Infrastructure Commission identified the need to begin looking at infrastructure in an integrated and holistic way as one of the tenets to maintain Michigan’s position as a leader in public infrastructure planning. To begin the process, the Commission recommended that Michigan develop and implement an integrated asset management database system, create a statewide council to oversee the long-term coordination and strategy, invest in our infrastructure systems and remain committed to embracing emerging technologies. In April of 2017, I announced the Michigan Infrastructure Asset Management Pilot Program to help coordinate and unify infrastructure efforts across the state. The statewide asset management system and the council will help the state, regions, local governments and utilities make more informed, strategic decisions and coordinated investments.
The pilot includes agencies and communities in southeast and west Michigan that will begin to develop the process of integrating drinking water, storm water, sanitary systems and transportation asset data into a comprehensive database that will eventually be used to support integrated planning efforts across these assets and across the state. This collaborative pilot is key to maintaining and improving our infrastructure statewide and will help make Michigan a national leader in asset management and planning…” Governor Rick Snyder
Staff will be bringing more information on the Michigan Infrastructure Asset Management Pilot Program in the forthcoming weeks. Coopersville will become part of this database collection and there are a couple of action items the city council will be asked to consider. SEMCOG (Southeast Michigan Council of Governments) and the GVMC (Grand Valley Metro Council) have already been meeting to identify what data should be collected, how best to catalog that data, and how that data will be utilized by policy and decision makers. Much has already been done, with much more needing to be done. Please contact me if you have questions or would like additional information.
DDA Billboard
As written for the last council packet, the DDA has a message on vinyl and electronic billboards around the Grand Rapids metro area; have you seen them AND have you visited the website?
Have you noticed the DDA billboard on west bound I-96 just past Fruit Ridge in Walker? We will also have “time” on a few electronic billboards located in the Grand Rapids Metro area with one specifically near Fifth Third Ball Park. The purpose of these billboards is to make more people aware of the investment in our DDA and our downtown, attributes of the community, so that ultimately more investment will take place to enhance economic vitality. In other words, please “CHECK US OUT.” As part of this new campaign, we’ve also completely revamped the DDA website to make it mobile friendly and to reflect the professionalism, vision, and vitality of DDA projects and their goals and the community in general. Check it out at
Water Project Phase I
The project continues to move forward. City staff is working closely with Allendale Township and Ottawa County to formulate a final plan for a new booster station. Part of this plan includes the feasibility of acquiring additional real estate for the larger booster station facility. Allendale will continue to have space for their water pumps to provide redundancy and possible expansion if required as part of the project.
Downtown Pocket Park
Relative progress continues at the Pocket Park site. There have been a few delays but work continues. Obviously if major hiccups occur and requires additional resources, responsible parties will be notified. Till then, work continues.
UPDATED: Road and Sidewalk Construction
Crews will be resurfacing and re-striping roads and the only section remaining is:
- 10/7 – 10/9: O’Malley Drive (between 68th Avenue & River) will be closed during resurfacing with posted detours; local traffic will be guided by flag crews.
Further updates will be provided on the city’s Facebook page and website. Any questions, please call city hall at 616-997-9731 or email [email protected]. Thanks for your patience while we make the city shine!
REPEAT: 2017-2018 Fiscal Year
Beginning July 1, 2017, the City of Coopersville began its new fiscal year. The city’s web site has the 2017-2018 Budget, the Annual Financial Report, and a simple dashboard of how the 2017-2018 tax dollars are being utilized for citizen and property owners to review. I encourage all citizens, business owners, and students to visit the website and learn more of the details of how our local government operates and how taxpayers’ dollars support that effort.