Hydrant Re-painting project
As most have observed, the hydrants are slowly receiving their final coat of paint which is the traditional red. I’m sure most would agree the hydrants that have been painted look very sharp indeed.
Dedicated Sewer Main – Lift Station
The Lift Station building itself is taking shape and is self-evident when you drive by on W Randall Street. The project was original scheduled to be functionally complete mid-October. But with a week or so delay by the city in approving extra funding at the start of the project, and a slight delay in the expected delivery of the generator, and I believe one other piece of equipment, we’re looking at the end of October for the facility to be operational. Other than that, there are no other major issues or delays to report at this time.
Second River Crossing Water Project Phase I
Not much to report at this writing. Prein & Newhof is close to finalizing costs but we have not scheduled a meeting to review the numbers. But due to other issues and projects requiring staff time as well as my own schedule, I’m not concerned about this brief delay in receiving final projected costs. We’ll review with Prein & Newhof their projections in the next week or two. As always please contact me if you have any specific questions on the project itself or the status of funding efforts.
WWTP Project Phase II
This project has taken numerous twists and turns during the past nine months. Funding has obviously been the driver of the various directions taken, but recently there have been additional “players” involved in the discussion of future waste water options not only in Coopersville but West Michigan as well. I will provide an update Monday night on a more scaled down option for a short term solution to our WWTP requirements. But the main issue and the reason more players have become involved is what happens long-term when Fairlife and CDF begin to accelerate growth beyond the numbers we’re currently witnessing and projecting. That is the question that requires careful, deliberate thought and analysis before answering. I will have more definitive updates after September 22.
West Randall Street Reconstruction Project
The project continues with noticeable progress being made. As with any project of this size there are always a few unexpected hiccups but nothing of significance to report at this time.
City Hall Entrance Trees
Recently I requested the DPW to contact someone to trim the trees in front of city hall as they were growing up into the power lines and basically over growing the entrance to city hall. It was that or have the trees removed, which I’m not a big fan of in principal. Today the trees were cut back, trimmed, and they do look “odd” as our eyes are accustomed to seeing something larger and fuller. But as anyone that has trimmed their own trees has learned, new branches will grow back as well as new leaves. In the summer of 2016, these trees will look more attractive and less as obstacles to overcome in one’s quest for the front door of city hall. And that also includes a far lesser chance of being targeted by birds, if you know what I mean.