Dedicated Sewer Main
The lift-station portion of this project is underway at 64th Avenue. The dedicated mains that were buried during the winter and spring months were done in sections and are in various stages of completion, meaning the sections are now being connected. The project is still on schedule, although the lift-station project itself was delayed for a couple weeks while the staff was seeking additional funding due to the final bid prices. Talks with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) have not been favorable for the city but there will be continued efforts to seek additional funding for this project. The MEDC has a new director and I will make an attempt to discuss this situation with that individual.
Second River Crossing Water Project Phase I
Work continues with assistance from Ken Rizzio on the application to the EDA for a $2.5 million grant. At the June 22, 2015 council meeting, I will review this project again and also examine how to finance that portion of the project not covered by a grant, of course if we are awarded the grant. I should have most of the legal and financial questions answered by that date.
WWTP Project Phase II
As with the Water Project Phase I, we will review the status of the WWTP Project Phase II. Due to continued expansion at CDF and fairlife, the city must address capacity issues at our WWTP. One June 22, Steve Luke and I will present the concept/design and the price for additional upgrades in a 6:00 P.M. workshop. Because there are numerous issues to this next upgrade, it would be better to have our initial meeting dedicated to this one item. I have already begun the process of locating funds for this project as it will be complicated and time consuming.
West Randall Street Reconstruction Project
No changes to the status of this project. Latest word was that work will not commence until after July 4th weekend. Notices to the public will be going out in the next week or so.
Randall Street Bridge
We’re in the process of determining when we can start the maintenance on this bridge. I know this summer there are numerous construction projects around the city but this maintenance project is important as well and I don’t want to wait until late summer/early fall to begin work if we can help it. The best guess at this time is to start the project the week after Del Shannon Days to reduce the inconvenience to our residents and visitors alike.