A quick reminder, we’ll have another Budget Workshop one hour before council meeting on April 13, 2015.
Dedicated Sewer Main Project
Next week the load restrictions on roads will be lifted which will allow the contractor to bring in equipment to bore under I-96 and under Deer Creek and up to the WWTP. During your travels around Coopersville, I’m sure you’ve noticed the contractor grading and grooming the right-of-ways along O’Malley and 64th Avenue. I will have more information concerning the second half of the project which is the lift-station at our April 27th council meeting.
DDA Renewal
The DDA and administrative staff continue with the process of the DDA renewal. The DDA Development Plan 2015 is in the process of updating and providing a guide for the DDA Board for the next 15 years. A copy of this plan will be provided in your April 27th council packet for your reading pleasure.
Department of Public Works
I received an email from the DPW Supervisor today and I wanted to share the content of that email with you. The email itself is included in Council Information as well.
“Just wanted to let you know about a comment that was given to me on the phone on Tuesday, 4/7/15. I received a call at my office from [a resident] Mr. Worley. He wanted to tell me that he was very impressed with the DPW crew that he has seen working on the roads lately. Mr. Worley emphasized that there is obvious pride taken in the work and the guys pay attention to detail when completing their tasks. He said that we can be proud of the crew and the work they are doing. He spoke mostly about the crew fixing snowplow damage to the road edges and lawns and also fixing the areas where we recently had tree stumps ground out and removed the grindings, filled the holes with dirt and seeded the areas.
I have received several other calls from citizens regarding how happy they have been with the snow plowing the guys have done this past winter also. I always pass these comments on to the crew, but I thought maybe you should hear one once in a while also.”