It’s natural to reflect on what we’re thankful for during this time of year. Personally, I’m thankful that my mother is home after a trip to the ER and a few days in the hospital last week. Here in Coopersville, I am thankful for the privilege of working with wonderful colleagues, each and every one of them, and because we have become a team that not only has numerous accomplishments together, but that our time here is personally enhanced not lessened. I am thankful for the privilege of working and collaborating with individuals here in the community and elsewhere. There are many outstanding associates that are smart, that are committed, and that bring value to their communities as well as Coopersville.
I am thankful, most of the time, for being challenged that in turn repels complacency and boredom, which are cousins to mediocrity and the status quo. This reminds me of a quote by Alphonse Karr that I read the other day which states,
“Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.”
I’m surprised on a regular basis, and ultimately thankful, of what each day brings to my life and to the lives of others. More often than not, the challenges that come our way are thorns that deliver roses; challenges that deliver opportunities.
Happy Thanksgiving and I wish you and yours a most enjoyable day!
Save Monday, December 11, 2017 for the annual Joint City Council, DDA Board, and Planning Commission meeting. It will be at the new Community Room at the Coopersville Area Library, starting at 6:00 PM. This is always an informative meeting where the boards and city departments update each other on their respective areas of responsibilities and goals. There’s always new information revealed that is timely and useful. Hope everyone can attend. FYI, it’s the only meeting the boards and council will have in December.
For the November 27, 2017 agenda, we have a number of resolutions requiring action from council members as well as a couple of guest including Mike Hammond. Mike has served the city for 21 years and yesterday Monday, he made public that he is resigning effective November 30, 2017. I have always admired Mike for his dedication, attention to detail, and willingness to do whatever is required. He will be missed, and he is wished well on his new career endeavor.
In the Council Information packet is a memo and scope of work pertaining to the Cross-Connection Control Program, which is an annual compliance program that the city must provide to the DEQ. We are introducing the program and DEQ recommendations here that you can have time to read up on it to take action at the December 11 Joint Council meeting.
As a FYI, I will not be in attendance as I have taken a PTO day for an extended Thanksgiving weekend. Jonathan Seyferth has graciously “volunteered” to fill in for me as he has done so before. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving with friends, family, or whomever or however you choose to celebrate. If you travel or you stay close to home, please be safe out there.
Downtown Pocket Park
The past two weeks have been busy at the Pocket Park site.
- Laying of sod complete
- The water feature plumbing and electrical near completion with final cement pour schedule for Monday November 27th
- Cement slab for utility controls scheduled for Monday November 27th
- The roof for the pavilion is scheduled for Friday November 24th
- Fencing will be installed before the Santa Parade
Residential Recycle Carts
For those who currently have residential recycling service, recycle carts will be dropped off at your driveway on Thursday, December 7 and Friday, December 8. The recycle pickup schedule will remain the same – every two weeks with the next recycle pickup scheduled for December 15. After December 8, trucks will ONLY pick up recycle carts; the old bins can’t be used anymore.
All-in-One Recycling means you can put everything into the same cart. We just ask that you adhere to the guidelines of what can and cannot be recycled, and how best to package small or light items like paper and plastic film. The guide can be found here:https://www.republicservices.com/resid…/all-in-one-recycling Just be sure all your recycled goods are empty, clean, and dry.
So, what do you do with your old bins? You may keep them for personal storage in your home or garage. Alternately, you can drop them off at the DPW Storage facility at 98 Main Street for recycling by Sunday, 12/17. Please wash your bins before bringing them for recycling to ensure they are clear of all debris and recyclables.
Please feel free to contact us with questions at (616) 997-9731.
REPEAT: Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
Design plans and specifications were sent to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) over a month ago for review and the issuance of a permit. We are still in a holding pattern waiting to hear from the MDEQ on where we are in the process.
More on “Thankful” from: Glaser & Associates
“Saying “thank you” is the ultimate win/win. Research shows that expressing gratitude increases feelings of personal well-being. As Americans approach our official day of giving thanks, perhaps all of us can take a moment to consider how we might make gratitude an ongoing part of our lives.”
If you are looking for someone to practice your “thank you” on, start close to home (Tweet it!). John Gottman, Executive Director of the Relationship Research Institute of Seattle says: “Masters of relationships have a habit of scanning the world for things they can thank their partner for. People whose relationships go down the tubes scan the world for their partner’s mistakes.”
Obviously, there are other projects and issues I’m involved with as is Jonathan Seyferth and others. It’s not always a wise decision to write about the status of these projects and issues when there are delicate, complicated, or confidentiality aspects still in motion. I will always be available to answer any of your questions to the best of my ability within the confines of the aspects just mentioned. There is certainly never a dull day in the bustling and thriving environment of Coopersville.