Assistant City Manager Search
The search for a new Assistant City Manager (ACM) is complete. We interviewed six qualified candidates out of 34 applicants. We decided to have two candidates return for a second interview, both with strong credentials and experience. After having a second interview with the two finalists, which took over three hours for each, we made a decision. This morning I offered a gentleman the position and he accepted. After a contract is agreed upon in principal I will make the announcement. The reason for this delay is that if for some reason either party decides not to follow through with a contract there is no embarrassment to either. My desire is to make the appointment public no later than October 9 if all goes as planned.
Dedicated Sewer Main – Lift Station
Nothing to report other than the project continues to move forward with relatively few misfortunes. The goal is to still to be functional by the end of October. Site clean-up, landscaping and such, will continue after if weather conditions are favorable. If for some reason that’s not the case, final landscaping would be next year spring.
Second River Crossing - Water Project Phase I
Prein & Newhof has completed the first draft of an Executive Briefing for the Water Supply and Transmission Improvement, or Phase I of the Water Project. The city will schedule a meeting with Prein & Newhof, Polkton Township, Allendale, and Ottawa County to make seek comments and eventual agreement with the proposal. After this meeting I will review with council.
WWTP Project Phase II
We are planning on a workshop on October 12 prior to the council meeting to discuss this topic. In the meantime we are studying options for long-term plans that would include constructing Phase II of the City’s WWTP to process 3.3 gallons per day (GPD). Estimated price, depending on the extent of pre-treatment by CDF, ranges from $12 Million to $19 Million. The City has already met with our bonding attorney to explore feasibility of financing through an existing bond to construct Phase II. The conclusion is that the City will be able to access additional funds if we so choose. Estimated timeline dependent on financing approval would see construction commencing the summer of 2016 and in operation late spring to early summer of 2017.
A secondary long-term plan is an option currently in discussion with CDF, Coopersville, and Muskegon. It is a concept to divert future incremental flow increases from CDF to the Muskegon WWTP. There are a number of parameters that will need to be finalized if this option were to become a viable choice for all parties. The City of Coopersville will continue to update council as more information becomes available. Obviously we will discuss this at an October 12, 5:45 p.m. workshop, prior to Council meeting.
West Randall Street Reconstruction Project
We are rapidly approaching the pour of concrete for the two north lanes, or the west bound lanes. Not much to report other than the project is progressing in large part to the decent weather. As with any project of this size there have been a few glitches that are dealt with in a timely manner. Thanks again to EVERYONE for their patience during this seemingly long time of reconstruction. We’re almost there.
City Hall Roof Work
Work is being done this week to the city hall roof, soffits, and other related areas in an attempt to significantly reduce the enormous ice damning that occurs during winter and to reduce the size of icicles that often will be the height of city hall. We’ll soon see if our efforts were successful.