1. If you’ve ever thought about becoming part of a rewarding team of Rescue medical first responders, please contact City Hall or submit one of our applications (http://www.cityofcoopersville.com/human-resources). There are a number of forthcoming changes that will make training more affordable to those that need it. There will be other changes in the works to reflect the current reality of doing more with less. As we make progress, future updates will appear here and on the city manager’s blog.
2. As was stated months ago, beginning July 1, 2017, the City of Coopersville began its new fiscal year. The city’s web site has the 2017-2018 Budget, the Annual Financial Report, and a simple dashboard of how the 2017-2018 tax dollars are being utilized for citizen and property owners to review. I encourage all citizens, business owners, and students to visit the website and learn more of the details of how our local government operates and how taxpayers’ dollars support that effort. This city hall is very transparent on all financial details of the city operations and its budgets. We welcome any suggestions that might enhance the information provided.
3. The Pocket Park located in our beautiful historic downtown is methodically progressing in its creation. Trees were planted today with sod scheduled to be laid next week. It’s all coming together, it really is. There are lists of details being addressed as there always is with projects of this scope and complexity. I welcome everyone to walk by the site before its completion to get an idea of the “before” and “after.”
The Pocket Park project reminds me of a phrase I heard at my ICMA Conference a week or so ago. A keynote speaker stated, “You can’t be what you can’t see.” In Coopersville, there were many that had a vision of the Pocket Park and the significance and beauty it would add to the downtown. They could “see” the vision and thank goodness they could, as the final results will be a positive testament to the value added to our downtown.
Interesting that the same phrase can be applied to a plethora of concepts, situations, and strategic thinking. Part of building for the future is being able to see or visualize what kind of future you want, either as a person or as a community. As we all fully realize, the future arrives each and every morning whether we want it to or not. If you want the future to be a positive and enlightening goal, then you must visualize what that future will look like and then take action to realize that vision, all the while keeping your eyes and your effort glued to that vision. “You can’t be what you can’t see:” if you can’t see it or visualize it, it will not come to fruition. It’s a simple but profound observation.
4. Lastly, summer is over, Daylight Savings Time is over, the bulk of the construction season is over, and now the elections are over as well. Now is the time for the “new.” On Monday night, we will swear in council members, a new mayor, the beginning glimpse of winter is present, and a new year will quickly follow in its path. I always believed that 2017 would be a time of change for the City of Coopersville and its citizens; and guess what?
5. Save the date for the annual Joint City Council, DDA Board, and Planning Commission meeting on Monday, December 12, 2017. It will be at the new Community Room at the Coopersville Area Library, starting at 6:00 PM. This is always an informative meeting where the boards and city departments update each other on their respective areas of responsibilities and goals. There’s always new information revealed that is timely and useful. Hope everyone can attend. FYI, it’s the only meeting the boards and council will have in December.
We have a full agenda for Monday night in that we basically have two agendas. The first half of the council meeting will be to address “old business” which will include a presentation from Joe Kuiper from Kiekover Scholma & Shumaker PC on the 2016-2017 Financial Audit as well as going into closed session to discuss the City Manager’s compensation. This has been on-going for months. We will also discuss the updates occurring in the Emergency Rescue Department. Please, please contact me if you have questions or are in need of further information. Have a fantastic weekend and don’t exhaust yourselves raking leaves. Be SAFE out there!
Downtown Pocket Park
The past two weeks have been busy at the Pocket Park site.
- Pavers are close to completion;
- Trees are planted;
- Light posts have been installed and functional;
- The water feature plumbing and electrical are in motion; and
- Installation of sod scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of next week.
UPDATE: Water Project Phase I
Our sources from Lakeshore Advantage (our economic development consultants) is that the EDA is ready to make a decision on our water project any day now. Below is a repeat summary of our current status.
The EDA grant application, as you know, has been submitted and now they are requesting supplemental information and data. This is a positive sign, but requests take up additional time of staff; hopefully it will generate positive results. Purchasing land from the church next to the existing booster station has delayed the project somewhat as finalizing the design is dependent on how much land will be acquired. It also should be noted that there is a bit of uncertainty in water demand from CDF and fairlife due to recycling discussions now taking place. This may or may not be an issue. I will keep you updated as new information is obtained. As always, you’re are welcome to contact me if you have questions.
Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
Design plans and specifications were sent to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) over a month ago for review and the issuance of a permit. We are still in a holding pattern waiting to hear from the MDEQ on where we are in the process.
Obviously, there are other projects and issues I’m involved with as is Jonathan Seyferth and others. It’s not always a wise decision to write about the status of these projects and issues when there are delicate, complicated, or confidentiality aspects still in motion. I will always be available to answer any of your questions to the best of my ability within the confines of the aspects just mentioned. There is certainly never a dull day in the bustling and thriving environment of Coopersville.